Polly’s Twitter Language

You can create and compose music in Polly World  in several ways:
– by interacting with the Polly Tangibles:
Polly Land,  Polly Planet,  Polly Fire  and  Polly Ocean.
– by the graphical user interface on the Polly Compose App on your Smartphone or Tablet.
– by writing compositions in Polly World’s own high level Twitter Language in the Polly Compose APP.

The high level Twitter language contains different musical actions (words in the language in “” below). The words are related to existing sensors on the Polly Tangibles such as “Bend”, “Wave”, “Say”, “Hit” and “Set Scene”. “Bend” controls the Bend-sensor in the selected mobile Polly Tangibles. “Hit” controls the Touch-sensors, “Wave” the Movement-sensor, while “Say” Controls the Microphone by playing recorded sayings. “Set Scene” is equivalent to holding the Scene card against the RFID-reader.

There are several ways to play the musical actions, such as “Fast”, “Slow”, “Rush”, “Fade”, “Wild” and “Soft”.  You can decide for how long you want the musical action to last, by adding numbers.

Here are some examples of simple compositions as full  Twitter-messages and how they look in the user interface, where you have already chosen the Polly Tangible to play on and control in the first screeen. More examples and sound recordings will come:

@mff_aho_pollyplanet   setscene “mamma” hit 5 1 2 2 3 3 3 3
@mff_aho_pollyplanet   hit 1 1 1 1 1 2 fast
@mff_aho_pollyplanet   say “tacos” repeat

@mff_uio_pollyfire         setscene “fox” and bend a b a b
@mff_uio_pollyfire         wave x y x y x y z fade
@mff_uio_pollyfire         say “hello” rush

@mff_nmh_pollyocean   setscene “bad”
@mff_nmh_pollyocean   hit 1 1 1 1 1 2 fast for 5s
@mff_nmh_pollyocean   say “hello” repeat
@mff_nmh_pollyocean   say “hello” wild
@mff_nmh_pollyocean   say “goodbye” soft

in the Compose APP the composition will look like this: .

Composition My Friday Composition Bad Hello Composition Quiet Fox