
Drum Bell Harmonica Hat Sea Star Train Duck Ball  Your own thing Yellow Fur Purple Fur Flower The tagged Tiger The tagged Elephant The tagged Dog slipper The tagged Sheep slipper 

There are many tagged things in the Polly World (above are only some…). And you can enter more of your own things into the Polly World, if you also want them to sing and create music. Every Tag-Thing, has a RFID-tag connected to it. When you hold the tag onto the RFID-reader, the white velvet triangle, it plays a tune related to the Scene and the actual thing.
For instance a sheep sings “Mamma mia” in the scene “Mamma Mia” like a sheep. And in another Scene the sheep sings the actual song with his “sheepy” voice.

Child learning how to choose music with the RFID-reader, the white soft glowing triangle Sheep slipper sings with her sheepy voice when user activates the RFID-reader, the white glowing triangle

Some of the tagged things in the Polly World are instruments in themselves, such as a drum. You can both play on the drum and hold the RFID-tag towards the reader and play an additional layer of music related to the current Scene. Other tagged things are wearable like a slipper, so you can make the slipper sing while dancing. Other things are more abstract like the fury dots that when holding onto the RFID-reader develops the musical tunes further. More about making music in Polly World here.