Sensorial and Musical Interaction (2012)

This fall RHYME development team (Birgitta, Fredrik and Anders-Petter) runs the course “Sensorial and musical interaction” as a module in the Master course “Tangible Interaction”,  at AHO from 8. October – 2. November 2012. The end presentation was at AHO 2. november  at 13.00. The prototypes was exhibited at AHO after the presentation.

The course started with an excursion to StatsPed/Torshov Kompetansesenters large exhibition and introduction by Turid Horgen, who is a national authority on multi-disability and sensory stimulation. The goal was to get an introduction to the field and a  hands-on experience of Multi-sensory environments.  The first week the student assignment was to develop sensorial sensors. The focus was to explore the material possibilities when embedding sensors into diverse materials, creating shapes, surfaces and structures to motivate musical interaction for diverse users.

The second week the students assignment was to develop new concepts for mobile (wireless), “musicking tangibles” [ref. 1]  [ref. 2], based on smartphones and RHYME’s new board, kDevice, which uses bluetooth. The process included sketching sensors, shapes, structures, scale, materials and user scenarios.

The last two weeks the students will design, develop and build a running prototype of their concept. The design process and end prototype was presented the last day, 2. November.

Pictures from the creation process of the Ebbe:

Pictures from the creation process of the Stump Drum.

Pictures from the creation process of the Chilli Net:

Pictures from the creation process of the Whispering Willow.

Pictures from the creation process of the Cove:

Pictures from the creation process of the Dynamic Rock.

Take also a look at what the students created in earlier courses.:
In 2010 the focus was mainly on e-textile and in 2011 we extended the course with musical interaction in e-textile. This year we expand even further with sensorial qualities and accessibility related to musical interaction.

This page will be updated, so please come back, and welcome to the presentation and the exhibition at AHO on 2. November 2012!